Phrase Composition – French (France)
Payment: $0.10 USD per phrase. Depending on how fast you are, this is typically about $15/hour.
Location: Work from home
Description: Write 5 phrases about different scenarios. Write as if you were speaking to a person, not a device! The scenarios and instructions will be in English, but you must write in French.
Here is an example:
- Scenario: “Pretend you have an App on your phone, how would you ask it to find the nearest bakery?”
- Your answer:
où se trouve la boulangerie la plus proche
trouve la boulangerie la plus proche dans les environs
où est-ce que je peux acheter des croissants pas trop loin d’ici
donne moi l’itinéraire jusqu’à une boulangerie accessible à pied
montre moi la boulangerie la plus proche
Referrals: We will pay you $5 USD for each referral that completes at least one session!
For every 20 referrals you will be paid an extra $40 USD!
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