Les francais seraient les plus gros dormeurs

France Eats, Sleeps the Most, Says OECD Study

The French eat and sleep more than those in the rest of the 30-nation Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a study by the Paris-based group showed. The average French person sleeps about nine hours a night, compared with Korean and Japanese people who sleep less than eight hours, the report published today said. Americans sleep more than 8 1/2 hours. The French spend more than two hours eating each day, more than double the rate of Mexicans.

The study is an effort by the OECD, whose membership dominates the world economy, to shed a light on how people use the resource of time and was contained in a broader report aimed at providing an overview of social trends.

The eating and sleeping may pay off for France, with the report showing life expectancy of its men and women lags behind only Japan. An average Japanese woman lives to almost 86, while a man lives to 79. That compares to the shortest lifetimes of 74 for Turkish women and 69 for Hungarian men.

Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aQtvEGpqIqqs&refer=muse&goback=%2Egde_1943164_member_152124115

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