Français aux Etats-Unis, n’oubliez pas de remplir le document 8938 de l’IRS avant le 17 Avril et le TD F 90-22 avant le 30 Juin!

IRS issues form and guidance for reporting foreign financial assets
The IRS has released new Form 8938, Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets, for reporting foreign financial assets for the 2011 tax year. This form requires individual taxpayers to report their interests in a wide variety of foreign assets. Failure to file Form 8938 can result in substantial penalties as well as further government inquiry into a taxpayer’s financial affairs.

IRS Offshore Programs Produce $4.4 Billion To Date for Nation’s Taxpayers; Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program Reopens
The Internal Revenue Service today reopened the offshore voluntary disclosure program to help people hiding offshore accounts get current with their taxes and announced the collection of more than $4.4 billion so far from the two previous international programs.

Pour le TD F 90-22, voir:,,id=148849,00.html

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