Publish your news addressed to the French-speaking Puget Sound community
We’ll be happy to publish relevant news for the French speaking Puget Sound community at no cost. Please just follow the instructions below.
For one-off type posting:
- Fill up the form below for posts with title, text and links (no photos)
- or follow the instructions after the form for article with advanced formatting or photos
1) Simple post: please fill up this form
2) Send us on (only! No Facebook, Twitter or blog comments please!) the information to be published and we’ll publish it for you on all our online outlets. (between 12 and 72 h for publishing, more during holidays)
Your content will be copied and pasted as-is so please send it to properly formatted:
- A short title (with the date that is included if it is an event): e.g. « Afternoon open-door to the ABC association February 30, 2016 », which will be the title of the article.
- Properly formatted content (bold, bullets, paragraph, etc.) in the email body (or alternatively a plain-text file or MS Word. No PDF!) so that our copy-paste preserves your format on the article. No more than 2-3 paragraphs (no one will read them if it’s longer and it will pollute the newsletter).
- In this text links to your site, pdf document stored on your site. Do NOT send documents to add to the article itself, we will not add them.
- However, please send 1 to 2 photos in JPG or PNG format if you want us to include them in the post (either as an attached file, embedded in the email, or a link to the photo – not page – your site)
- The date and time you want your article to be published. Without precision on your part it will be published ASAP (but as this is handled by volunteers it can take several days depending on availability)